Vancouver (DTES) Training Session

The ICWRN training schedule wrapped up this year (2013) in the downtown east side at the Vancouver Native Friendship Centre.  On November 21st and 22nd we housed a small group of people with distinct backgrounds and experinces.  We also had a courageous group of youth who were formerly in care, and they shared their experiences in a profound way. This was a monumental couple of days for the ICWRN and we look forward to creating and showcasing our future training schedule in the coming months.

Vancouver DTES Training Video

Chapter 1: The ICWRN and Location


Chapter 2: VACFSS


Chapter 3:  Voices From our Youth


Chapter 4:  Thoughtful Advice from our Experienced Youth


Chapter 5:  Concluding Thoughts


Vancouver Training Resources

Islands of Safety [pdf]

Vancouver DTES (Sex Workers) [pdf]

Kitslano Reserve [pdf]

Locating ourselves [pdf]

Intention Justice Exercise [pdf]

Gladue Report [pdf]

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Vancouver Foundation
University of Victoria: Human & Social Development
Univeristy of Victoria