MCFD Training Session

The ICWRN co-hosted a training session with the MCFD in Victoria B.C. on Friday October 22nd, 2010.  Their mandate was to discuss the implementation of the Aborigiinal Service Delivery conceptual Framework, the Aboriginal Policy and Service Support Team. This opportunity allowed for an in-depth look at the understanding and importance of Indigenous child well-being research.  This was a 2 part session taking place within a half year time frame.

MCFD Training video:

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

MCFD Phase One Training Materials:

Poster [pdf]

Training evaluation [pdf]

Training notes [pdf]

Presentation [pdf]

MCFD Phase Two Training Materials:

Agenda [pdf]

Training evaluations [pdf]


“This is (was) a unique opportunity for relationship and skill building on Indigenous research methods, protocols and best practice.”   -Peter Cunningham and Debra Foxcroft, Assistant Deputy Ministers” 

Vancouver Foundation
University of Victoria: Human & Social Development
Univeristy of Victoria