Honouring Indigenous Knowledge and Practice
Welcome to the Indigenous Child Well-being Research Network! Join with us in celebrating the strength of our families, communities and people as we work together to promote Indigenous longevity through research, community projects and practice.
Network Goal
The ultimate goal at the ICWRN is to link you with resources, people and Indigenous research projects that have proven effective in our communities for the betterment of our children and families. We want this site to be a place to share ideas and provide you with access to resources that will enrich the work that is done for our children in the province of British Columbia, and to share this work on a global platform for all Indigenous people to utilize.
Mission Statement
An important theme for the network is “coming together” and as such, we invite collaboration from all groups of Indigenous Peoples: on/off reserve; status/non-status; Metis, Inuit, First Nations, urban and non-Indigenous. We are open to your advice, guidance and leadership in this important project.
“Indigenous children are over-represented in the BC child welfare system, making up half of the children in care.” – Growing a Provincial Research Strategy for Indigenous Child Welfare document – ICWRN 2008

Vision Statement
The network responds to an urgent need for Indigenous approaches to research topics that are grounded in the experiences and voices of Indigenous children, youth, families and communities. We believe Indigenous communities have within themselves, the culturally appropriate tools for responding to Indigenous needs. We believe that research should come from within our communities to benefit those participating. We believe that resilience should be celebrated and is the keystone for confronting the struggles faced by our families and communities. We hope to move forward in a good way so that our children can be happy, successful and spirited!