Dr. Jacquie Green

Project Manager:

PH.D, BSW, MPA, Director, School of Social Work, University of Victoria

Video from the University’s “Faces of UVIC Research.”

Jacquie Green:



Green, Jacquie

Green, J. (2008). Decolonizing social work practice through Oolichan fishing. In R. Sinclair and G. Bruyere (Eds.), Indigenous Social Work

in Canada: Perspectives, Practice, Futures. Fernwood Press. (in press).

Thomas, R. & Green, J. (2008). Indigenous Children in the Centre: Indigenous perspectives on anti- oppressive child welfare perspectives.

In Strega, S. & Carrier, J. (Eds), Walking this Path Together: Anti-oppressive practice in child welfare. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Green, J., Ormiston, T., Thomas, R. & Richardson, C. (2008). Indigenous Specializations: Dreams, Development, Delivery and vision

(School of Social Work, University of Victoria in Canada) Peer Reviewed Paper and Presentation at World Indigenous Peoples Conference

for Education (WIPCE) December, 2008

Green, J., Kovach, M., Montgomery, H., Thomas, R., and Brown, L. (2007). Witnessing wild woman: Resistance and resilience in Aboriginal

child welfare. In Foster, L., & Wharf, B. (Eds.), People, Politics and Child Welfare in B.C. UBC Press: Vancouver.

See abstract for above article here Link to publisher for book here

Green, J. (2007). Reclaiming Haisla Ways: remembering oolichan fishing. Canadian Journal of Native Education. (in press)

Dumbrill, G. C. & Green, J. (2007). Indigenous Knowledge in the Social Work Academy. Social Work Education, The International Journal.

Dumbrill, G. C., & Rice-Green, J. (2007). Including Indigenous knowledge in web-based learning. Journal of Technology in Human Services,

25. The Haworth Press Inc.

Thomas, R. and Green, J. (2007). A way of life: Indigenous perspectives on anti oppressive living. First Peoples Child & Family Review. A

journal on Innovation and Best Practices in Aboriginal Child Welfare Administration, Research, Policy & Practice. 3(1). 91 – 104.

See abstract for above articel here See link to full article here

Rice-Green, J., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2005). A child welfare course for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students: Pedagogical and technical

challenges. Journal of Technology in Human Services. 23. The Haworth Press, Inc.

See abstract for above article here

Green, J. and Thomas, R. (2005). Learning through our children, healing for our children: Best practice in First Nations communities. In

Lena Dominelli (Ed), Communities in a Globalising World: Theory and Practice for Community Empowerment. UK: Ashgate Publishing.

Green, J. (2003). Indigenous peoples and social work – As our journey in perspectives comes to a close… We can reflect upon our

experience and what now awaits us. British Columbia Association of Social Workers Perspectives 2003: First Nations Edition, 25 (2).