“Qwul’sih’yah’maht” Dr. Robina Thomas
Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of Victoria.
Dr. Robina Thomas is Lyackson of the Coast Salish Nation. Robina is committed to Indigenous education and her research interests include Storytelling, Residential Schools and Uy’skwuluwun: On Being Indigenous. She is committed to understanding anti-racism and anti-oppression and how these can be ‘lived.
Video from the University’s “Faces of UVIC Research.”
Dr. Robina Thomas:
Thomas, R
Thomas, R. & Green J. (2009). Indigenous Children in the Centre: Indigenous perspectives on anti-oppressive child welfare practice. In: Strega, S. & Carriere, J. (Eds.). Walking this path together: Anti-oppressive practice in child welfare. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
Thomas, R. (2009). Peoplehood & Xwulmuxw Slhunlheni (Indigenous Women. In J. Corntassel and T. Holm (Eds.), The Power of Peoplehood: Strategies for Regenerating Indigenous Communities. Austin, TX:University of Texas Press.
Thomas, R. (2008). For Kayla. The Journal of Canadian Women’s Studies. 27, (3,4), 208-212.
See abstract for above article here
Thomas, R. & Green, J. (2007). A way of life: Indigenous perspectives on anti- oppressive living. First Peoples Child & Family Review: A Journal on Innovation and Best Practices in Aboriginal Child Welfare Administration, Research, Policy & Practice. 3(1), 91-104.
See abstract for above article here
Green, J. & Thomas, R. (2007). Learning Through Our Children, Healing For Our Children: Best Practice. In: First Nations Communities. In Dominelli, L. (ed.), Communities in a Globalising World: Theory and Practice for Community Empowerment. Ashgate Pub.: U.K.
Green, J., Kovach, K., Montgomery, H., Thomas, R. & Brown, L. (2007). Witnessing Wild Woman: Resistance and Resilience in Aboriginal Child Welfare. In: Foster, L. and Wharf, B. (eds.), Politics, People, and Child Welfare in British Columbia. Vancouver: BC:UBC Press.
Thomas, R. (2005). Honouring the Oral Traditions of my Ancestors through Storytelling. In Brown, L. & Strega, S. (Eds) Research as Resistance: Critical, Indigenous and Anti-Oppressive Approaches. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
Green, J. and Thomas, R. (2005). Learning through our children, healing for our children: Best practice in First Nations communities. In Lena Dominelli (Ed), Communities in a Globalising World: Theory and Practice for Community Empowerment. UK: Ashgate Publishing.
Thomas, R. (2004). Laayksen Mustimuhw and Snuw’uy’ul. Celanen: A Journal of Indigenous Governance. 1(1). Indigenous Governance Program, University of Victoria.
Thomas, R. (2003). Putting Residential Schools Behind Us: Recovering From the Sorrow of a Tragic History. Perspectives: Newsletter of the B.C. Association of Social Workers 25 (2).