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- Jessica Ball: Founded in 1972, the Institute for Research on Public Policy is an independent, national, nonprofit organization. IRPP seeks to improve public policy in Canada by generating research, providing insight and sparking debate that will contribute to the public policy decision-making process and strengthen the quality of the public policy decisions made by Canadian governments, citizens, institutions and organizations. IRPP’s independence is assured by an endowment fund established in the early 1970s. PromotingEquity [pdf]
- Tara Ney, Vanessa Currie, Maureen Maloney, Crystal Reeves, Jillian Ridington, robin Ridington, Judith Zwickel “Traditional Decision-Making in contemporary Child Welfare.” This paper describes the efforts of Dane-zaa people in northeastern British Columbia, Canada, to bolster the authority and legitimacy of their traditional decision-making (TDM) practices in the context of child welfare, where, today, the impacts of colonialism have resulted in as many as 70% of Indigenous children, including Dane-zaa, in regional foster care system. Contemporarychildwelfare [pdf]