Theses and dissertation support
Resources for Researching Theses and Dissertations
The following is a summary of search engines, resources and archives that can assist you in finding graduate research that is relevant to Child Well-being by graduates from the Faculty of Human and Social Development, University of Victoria.
Thesis Canada Portal: Access and search the full text electronic versions of numerous Canadian theses and dissertations.
Proquest Database: Search all theses and dissertations at the University of Victoria Libraries via a keyword or title search.
IGOV 599 Thesis Webpage: Theses and dissertations from the Indigenous Governance Program, University of Victoria.
Annotated Bibliography
Syllabus with call numbers. Access books at the University of Victoria Libraries with these call numbers.
The syllabus is a work in progress and is by no means a complete list. If you have any suggestions to add to this list, please contact us.