Past Training
Since the genesis of The Indigenous Child Well-being Research Network in 2009, we have delivered numerous Fish Soup for the Indigenous Soul Training Sessions. Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for relationship building and skill building as we re-story, re-name, and re-claim re-search, encompassing the betterment of our children. We also try to capture the very essence of these experiences through documentary video. The ICWRN offers the entire film as well as the film in segments with chapters and headings so you know what is relevant to you.
Click on the colored Text to view and to download our training videos and resources.
Vancouver – November 21-22nd, 2013
Our travels took us to the Vancouver Native Friendship Center in the downtown east side where we focused our dialogue on Research and how to re-story, re-name and re-claim it. Our most exciting moments came when a brave group of former youth in care showed a rap video they produced and then directed a Q and A about their experiences.
Terrace – October 4-5th, 2013
We traveled to Terrace B.C. to partner with the NIFCS (Northwest Inter-Nation Family and Child Services Society. We spent 2 days exploring the vast topics of custom adoption, customary and traditional care-taking and cultural planning for children in care.
Kelowna – July 18-19th 2013
When we arrived in Kelowna the temperature was hot and the atmosphere was vibrant. We focused our training on research and spoke with many people involved with Indigenous children and their well-being. The video we shot shows the reality of hardships and the possibilities to overcome the barriers within our communities and to help our children stay with our families.
MCFD – Victoria, BC – March 4th, 2011
This training was based here in Victoria British Columbia. We explored research and discussed at length it’s diversity and how we can collaborate our works to fully understand the gift within our research.
Duncan – BC – January 20 & 21st, 2011
Our team traveled up Island to Duncan where we built onto our existing traditional knowledge, beliefs and Stories while exploring historic research examples. Cindy Blackstock educated us on a world view of indigenous child welfare as we continued to talk about ways to benefit aboriginal children, families and communities.
Kamloops – BC – April 29 & 30th, 2010
In the Shuswap Territory, our team discussed traditional protocol, values and relationships. Our focus moved to traditional skills as metaphors for research using the Dip Net and the Pine Needle Basket Weaving. Some of the findings included the essential need for preparation, consultation, respect, protocol, sharing and patience.
Metis Community Services – March 29th, 2010
The ICWRN and the Metis Community Services (MCS) teamed up on March 29th, 2010 to talk about strategies in creating a provincial research network to support Indigenous child Welfare. The goal was to acquire positive research needed to voice the opinions and actions of Indigenous children, youth families and community. The one day event included voices from Elders talking about cultural practices with babies, storytelling, puppet shows and other activities utilized to illustrate methods that are effective when working with young children.
Legal Services Society – March 19th, 2010
The ICWRN sessions continue with a trip to Port Hardy and an intense dialogue with the Port Hardy community encompassing the protection of children using knowledge of the community and community members. Many different facets of child welfare was discussed: Keeping families intact, the big house, knowing the territory, the power of name giving, sharing traditional foods and acknowledging strong women are just a few to name.
Burnaby – April 23 & 24th, 2009
Burnaby is the destination and Research dialogue is the goal. The ICWRN travels across the water where the main focus is research, but variables of business and culture are intertwined throughout the two days providing alternatives and options to research. With a warrior women like Ainjil Hunt from Transformation, the research network and it’s audience learn how the ICWRN can enrich the lives of children and how standing together in this work can confront racism and protect our hears and spirit from all people.
Prince Rupert – May 26 & 27th, 2009
The ICWRN travelled to Prince Rupert for a training session over a two day stint in May of 2009. The summary boasted fashioned dialogue around Research and what it is, methodologies of indigenous research, protocols, guidelines, ethics and steps to successful research in the native community. Another focus was “what is working in our communities and how do we change what is not working.”