Training materials
This page acts as a resource page with fundamental documents used in our own training sessions. They can help you with setting up your powerpoint ideas, agendas, and information relevant to your sessions for people to take home and continue the learning process from a digital platform.
The ICWRN tool kit is essentially the document that explains and details our work from the very beginning. This can be a great tool for people to utilize if they are thinking of starting their own network within the indigenous community.
The ICWRN research agenda represents the backbone of our training sessions. It gives us the fundamental elements of our day and what we hope to accomplish in a relatively small window of time. Typically this is used as a time/guide line during our sessions to keep us on schedule with breaks and content change. Historically our sessions can be altered by the exceptional dialogue represented by diverse people and the energy that is present in the room.
Our digital documents training CD is an all encompassing myriad of information as explained on the linked page.
Understanding the Overrepresentation of First Nations Children in the Child Welfare System: